Monday, October 12, 2009

One Week Down!

We are happy to announce that the first week is over and we have begun week two for the freshman class. Everyone is hanging in there and doing great! Keep up the good work guys. Let's all make it to graduation, you are a great group of students!


  1. Hi, I am one of the students of Mr. Hughes and Ms. Junge, and what a great couple of instructors. They are very easy to talk to and have a great sense of humor. Anyone would be lucky enough to have them as instructors.
    The first week was very intense and I truly thought "what the heck am I doing here?". But with great classmates and good instructors I hope to be the one standing at the podium accepting my AS Degree. Enjoy this website!!

  2. I can't believe we are already into week two. That first week flew by. There was so much to take in, I thought my head was going to explode. I agree with Lisa. We have great instructors. They have been incredibly helpful, and patient in answering our questions. Thanks!

  3. Hey, you should have a student or faculty "guest blogger" occasionally, or even every week. They can tell what the class did and share their personal experiences. It would be interesting to see the process from many different perspectives.


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